ESC volunteer opportunity in Transylvania

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Development Support for Transylvania: Long-term volunteering in Romania (7 months)

Who we are?


We are the Youth Association from Transylvania, but you can call us ATA. Years ago, we set a goal. A goal to show Europe to Transylvania, and to show Transylvania to Europe. We like to work with people, especially people from all around the world. Our hobbies are learning about new cultures and organizing amazing events for our local community and guests from all around! Until now, we organized youth exchanges, seminars, and training courses on many various topics, from how to be a good citizen to addictions. We hosted volunteers whose main tasks included herbalism, activities with young children in kindergarten, showing their culture to the locals, and many- many more!

Did you know?

As ATA team we are excited about your arrival, we will stay in the office and we will try to help you to feel comfortable in our small community! We like to hang out together, be creative and to celebrate. In total we are 7 working at the association, but there are many people helping us for the local community. Most of our members already have a family. So most of the time we are busy, but we always have the time to help you if it’s needed.

What is ESC?

The European Solidarity Corps is a program that aims to provide opportunities to all people, between the age of 18 and 30. ESC helps local communities and allows young people to work and volunteer on European projects. It enables organizations to meet and work with motivated individuals with great ideas and ambitious goals. For both organizations and young people, ESC provides several opportunities, for example, individual and group volunteering, internships, and local projects.


If yes…

You will be a long-term volunteer! But what does this mean? You will pack your suitcase and move to our quiet, little town for 7-10 months.

What will you do?

1. NGO support person:

support our yearly local activities & communication: you will bring new perspectives & ideas to the local volunteers’ regular activities & after that to help with communicating about these on our webpage and social media platforms support the the www.ruraltransylvania.eu platform: your role will be to help us discover the characteristics of the larger region from your perspective in written journalistic, photo/video reports. support our staff with international mobilities: you will support us doing international mobilities for many youth & youth workers, with their unique perspective & input.

2. Inclusion support person:

activities in 2 kindergartens & 1 primary school in our town & 2 primary schools in rural areas around the town: you will help to organize daily non-formal workshops for children & youth to teach English, while at the same time will pass along environmental awareness & up-cycling, recycling knowledge. activities in 2 entities that work for the disabled: help the staff members specialized on helping with new ideas & methods in order to develop the versatility of the workshops & with annual events / help by giving practical (gardening & cooking) skills to the disabled

We are looking for you if you are:

  • creative
  • open minded
  • proactive
  • motivated
  • culturally and soacially sensitive
  • aged between 18-30
  • We are looking for any youth aged 18 to 30 who is serious and motivated to come to a small city and support us in the development of a community with a lot of potentials. We do not require volunteers to have any pre-determined skill sets or aptitudes to carry out the activity, only an inquisitive demeanor, and an openness to learn new things which may be needed for the activity.

Also, we do not require participants to have advanced or intermediate English speaking skills, we only require them to have a basic skill in English and an openness to learn the local language to effectively communicate with the local community. Last but not least, we are looking for energetic, creative open-minded, and independent youth.

During the project:

Each volunteer will receive 150 € as food allowance and 90 € as pocket money each month.

Everything else, including house rental costs, gas, electricity, water and internet costs, appliances, and activity-related costs will be managed by the hosting organization. International travel is also reimbursed. Volunteers will do their activities in a flexible way, for about 6-7 hours/day and 5 days every week. Two days are free every week and 2 other days are holidays every month. Besides these, all regional and national free days and holidays are also considered free for the volunteers.


Food/pocket money

  • Travel reimbursement
  • Local mentor
  • Language support
  • A new home
  • Health insurance
  • Housing and logistics

The house is fully funished with:

a spacious kitchen that has 2 fridges, stove, microwawe, dishes, glasses, furniture, etc. 3 bathrooms that have toilets, showers, washing machine and other cleaning appliances. 5 large bedrooms that have furniture and bads in each. the house also has electricity, gas, hot and cold water, snd internet connection with a Wi-Fi connection.

Are you ready for this ANDVENTURE?

fill in the application form send your CV and motivation letter to us For anyone wishing to join us as an ESC volunteer, we will firstly require a CV and a motivation letter. We encourage candidates to be creative with their applications, to include anything that might reveal their individuality, their likes, dislikes and potential skill sets. These can be sent to us at office.ata@gmail.com.

Also, we require candidates to fill a short application form.

THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS THE 10th of January 2023. But we will start processing and selecting in order of application, so as soon as you apply, the more chances you have. Upon receipt of applications, the board of the NGO will decide whether the presented profile is appropriate for our activities. In light of this decision, we will either refuse candidates or move on to a Zoom interview to evaluate motivation and personality in a direct and oral environment. After the interview, the board will make a decision and inform the candidates.

About the town

Regarding the location, CRISTURU SECUIESC lies at the eastern end of the Transylvanian plateau between the towns of Odorheiu Secuiesc and Sighișoara, 400 meters above sea level. There are a lot of hills, meadows, lakes, rivers, and forests for hikes and the Harghita mountains are also close. In 2011 there were 9491 inhabitants, 9266 of which were declared Hungarian, 183 Romanian, and 8 German while most of the Roma community declared themselves as Hungarian. The community nowadays works in the smaller textile, shoe, toy, and furniture factories that popped up in town with foreign companies. The town still has an agricultural aspect though as most of the community owns a few acres of land around the town and many have kitchen gardens. The youth community is abundant, with youth from all around the region going to the 2 high schools and 1 VET school. Some of the youth moving back from universities in the area also help the youth life.

Would you like to know more?



Poslanstvo zavoda je mladim in mladinskim organizacijam zagotavljati ustrezno strokovno podporo pri beleženju in evidentiranju neformalnega izobraževanja in učinkov mladinskega dela z namenom njegovega priznanja v širši družbi. Nadalje je namen zavoda mladim pomagati pri kariernem razvoju, zaposlovanju in aktivnem državljanstvu ter zagotavljati pomoč in podporo pri organizacijskem in drugem razvoju mladinskih in nevladnih organizacij.

   Zavod Nefiks
            Ob dolenjski železnici 12
            1000 Ljubljana


    +386 40 698 915


Pisarna: PON-PET → 10:00-13:00
Telefon: PON-PET → 9:00-16:00