Zavod Nefiks “Call for ESC volunteers 2023 - 2024”

| Priložnosti za mlade

Zavod Nefiks's project will host 1 volunteer between October 2023 and May 2024 (8 months) to help in the daily activities of the youth centre (Mladinski center Vič, https://mc-vic.si/). Zavod Nefiks's project will host 1 volunteer between October 2023 and May 2024 (8 months) to help with social media of the organisation and its projects (IG, FB, TikTok @zavodnefiks).

Oportunity 1 - Volunteering in a youth center (Ljubljana)


Zavod Nefiks's project will host 1 volunteer between October 2023 and May 2024 (8 months) to help in the daily activities of the youth centre (Mladinski center Vič, https://mc-vic.si/).

The volunteers tasks will include:
  • Helping to maintain a safe and fun space for the children and youth that come to the youth centre.
  • Implementation of activities for children and youth in the Vič Youth Center.
  • Participation in other projects organised by/for young people (career workshops, IT workshops, etc.).
  • Promotion of the European Solidarity Corps among young people.
  • Cooperation with other organisations (schools, associations, accompanying the physically challenged in the mountains, ...).
  • Creating a personal project based on the volunteers interests and the needs of the community.
  • Weekly schedule: 35 hours/per week usually from Monday till Friday (sometimes weekend).


  • Accomodation: shared apartment with other volunteers/students (the volunteer will share a room with another volunteer). The apartment is equipped with a kitchen, bathroom and all basic living necessities.
  • Food: The volunteer will receive a monthly food allowance (approx. 200€) and pocket money according to the financial rules of the European Solidarity Corps program guide (5€/day).
  • Transport arrangements: The program also covers the travel costs between your hometown and Ljubljana (up to 275€ in total, 320€ if you travel by bus/train).
  • Health insurance: covered by the program for the duration of the project in addition to the EHIC card (EU citizens need to have a valid EHIC card).


All volunteers must attend the on-arrival and mid-term trainings organised by the Slovenian National agency. These training sessions will happen in the first weeks of the project and in the middle of the project. There you will meet other ESC volunteers that will be in Slovenia at the same time. Additional training will be provided throughout the project by the host organisation on the topics relevant to the volunteers activities. The volunteer will also have a mentor during the entire project.


We are looking for a volunteer aged between 18 and 30 who is highly motivated to work with young people and would like to gain a new international experience! Desired competencies:
  • has a good level of English,
  • knows how to encourage active participation among youth,
  • good in public speaking,
  • has self-initiative,
  • has ideas how to promote projects for youth,
  • makes assigned tasks,
  • is respectful to all beings.

Apply here: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/36401_en

2023 nefiks sloving it

Opportunity 2 - Creating social media content for an NGO (Ljubljana)


Zavod Nefiks's project will host 1 volunteer between October 2023 and May 2024 (8 months) to help with social media of the organisation and its projects (IG, FB, TikTok @zavodnefiks).

The volunteers tasks will include:
  • Creating content for social media (fotos, videos, graphics).
  • Preparing promotional materials for projects.
  • Publish content on websites.
  • Participation in projects organised for young people (career workshops, IT workshops, etc.).
  • Promotion of the European Solidarity Corps.
  • Cooperation with other organisations (schools, associations, accompanying the physically challenged in the mountains, ...).

Weekly schedule: 35 hours/per week usually from Monday till Friday (sometimes weekend).
Vacation time: volunteers will have 2 days off for each month of the project (16 days for a project that lasts 8 months) + public holidays.


  • Accomodation: shared apartment with other volunteers/students (the volunteer will share a room with another volunteer). The apartment is equipped with a kitchen, bathroom and all basic living necessities.
  • Food: The volunteer will receive a monthly food allowance (approx. 200€) and pocket money according to the financial rules of the European Solidarity Corps program guide (5€/day).
  • Transport arrangements: The program also covers the travel costs between your hometown and Ljubljana (up to 275€ in total, 320€ if you travel by bus/train).
  • Health insurance: covered by the program for the duration of the project in addition to the EHIC card (EU citizens need to have a valid EHIC card).


All volunteers must attend the on-arrival and mid-term trainings organized by the Slovenian National agency. These trainings will happen in the first weeks of the project and in the middle of the project. There you will meet other ESC volunteers that will be in Slovenia at the same time. Additional training will be provided throughout the project by the host organization on the topics relevant to the volunteers activities. The volunteer will also have a mentor during the entire project.


We are looking for a volunteer aged between 18 and 30 who is highly motivated to work in a youth NGO and would like to gain a new international experience! Desired competencies:
  • has a good level of English,
  • knowledge of social media (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook),
  • knowledge of graphic design (or interest to learn),
  • good in public speaking,
  • has self-initiative,
  • has ideas how to promote projects for youth,
  • makes assigned tasks,
  • is respectful to all beings.
Apply here: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/36402_en

2023 nefiks roke




Poslanstvo zavoda je mladim in mladinskim organizacijam zagotavljati ustrezno strokovno podporo pri beleženju in evidentiranju neformalnega izobraževanja in učinkov mladinskega dela z namenom njegovega priznanja v širši družbi. Nadalje je namen zavoda mladim pomagati pri kariernem razvoju, zaposlovanju in aktivnem državljanstvu ter zagotavljati pomoč in podporo pri organizacijskem in drugem razvoju mladinskih in nevladnih organizacij.

   Zavod Nefiks
            Ob dolenjski železnici 12
            1000 Ljubljana


    +386 40 698 915


Pisarna: PON-PET → 10:00-13:00
Telefon: PON-PET → 9:00-16:00