Nefiks expands the possibility of young peoples' employment and social inclusion, especially for those "left behind", with its supplement activities such as workshops, stakeholder meetings, system of peer advising and public promotion. In its years of existence, Nefiks significantly raised the meaning of recognition of non-formally acquired skills, and that's why many institutions strongly support it. Nefiks comes in two shapes, electronic portfolio and a booklet.
It is a record book and an on - line portfolio, recording knowledge, experience and skills of young people acquired through 6 different fields:
• active citizenship and responsible work on projects
• exchanges/visits of foreign countries
• organised forms of education
• camps and voluntary work
• work (summer work, student employment, other types of short term employment)
• other ways of acquiring knowledge, skills and experiences
Most important characteristic in all fill in forms:
• WHAT (type of activity)
• WHEN, WHERE (& duration)
• CONTACT PERSON (employer, organizer, etc.) with his/her contact details
• DESCRIPTION of the activity (of the gained experience, knowledge, skills)
• LIST OF COMPETENCES according to 8 key competences
• EVALUATION of persons activity of mentor/leader/trainer/employer
• SIGNATURE AND MARK or IP of computer (of the person responsible for the activity)
Output of e-Nefiks:
• Europass CV
• List of competences (according to 8 key competences)
• Portfolios (social capital, career building)
• Employer recommendations
• Attachments (other certificates – e.g. Youthpass)
• Public profile with photo (optional)
• Follow the organizations already in e-Nefiks

Activities are supported by web portal and is a portal that gives young adults and youth a higher chance of being employed. We are not an employment agency; we give young people skills and knowledge of employment literacy. Those skills are of vital importance, if they want to become employable. One of key things to achieve this is to put down every reference, every non-formal education you get; you can do this with the help of project Nefiks.
We want to give young people the knowledge they can’t get at faculties. Or else, we can at least point them in the right direction to gain that knowledge. Thus is a juncture of those who care about their own employability and those who wish to present themselves to the employers with more than just a certificate of education and a diploma.